International Okinawan G?j?-ry? Karate-d? Federation

- 06.35

International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation
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International Okinawan G?j?-ry? Karate-d? Federation (IOGKF), also known as the International Federation of Karate-do Goju-ryu Okinawa, is an international martial art organization covering G?j?-ry? karate. It was founded by Morio Higaonna (b. 1938) in July 1979. Higaonna is the founder and Chairman of the IOGKF International. The IOGKF is responsible for spreading the original G?j?-ry? karate style of Okinawa throughout the world, following the teachings of Chojun Miyagi.

About | International Hayabusa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Association
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In 2003, the IOGKF was estimated to have around 50,000 members in 45 countries.

International Goju Karate Video


IOGKF Structure:

  • Honorary Chairman: Anichi Miyagi
  • President of the IOGKF: Morio Higaonna
  • IOGKF World Chief Instructor: Tetsuji Nakamura
  • Technical Advisor and Headquarters Grading Panel: Bakkies Laubscher and Kazuo Terauchi
  • IOGKF Chairman: Katsuya Yamashiro
  • IOGKF Vice Chief Instructor: Ernie Molyneux and Henrik Larsen
  • IOGKF Executive Committee and Headquarters Grading Panel: Ernie Molyneux, Henrik Larsen and Tetsuji Nakamura

Source of the article : Wikipedia



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